News of Note!
One of our backers has generously offered to pass out Aeranos swag at PAX East! Swag now includes stickers and bookmarks, along with posters. I have high hopes that the RPGnet ad and the CON exposure will generate some interest. Now if we could just get onto the featured page of Kickstarter...
Here's some images of the stickers and bookmarks.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Just in case there are some that are only following this blog, and not the Kickstarter page, please know that A LOT is happening over there. Here's a quick Rundown...
Aeranos Primer #1 - The Realm
Another quick primer of the setting for those only following along over there at Kickstarter.
Aeranos Primer #2 - Character Creation
This one's a biggie! Full rules for creating a character in Aeranos, minus equipment and magic, which will be coming next.
Find them both here...
Kickstarter Updates
As always, thanks for tuning in, and pass the word.
Aeranos Primer #1 - The Realm
Another quick primer of the setting for those only following along over there at Kickstarter.
Aeranos Primer #2 - Character Creation
This one's a biggie! Full rules for creating a character in Aeranos, minus equipment and magic, which will be coming next.
Find them both here...
Kickstarter Updates
As always, thanks for tuning in, and pass the word.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Throw the switch Igor!
It's.... ALIVE!
The countdown has begun. Please, if you're reading this. Talk about the project with your friends and co-workers. Send them to Kickstarter to check it out. I'm going for a media blitz tomorrow in every way I can think of.
It's.... ALIVE!
The countdown has begun. Please, if you're reading this. Talk about the project with your friends and co-workers. Send them to Kickstarter to check it out. I'm going for a media blitz tomorrow in every way I can think of.
In other words, "I done hit the send button."
According to Kickstarter, it could take as much as a few days for the review process - something I forgot in my excitement, so now we wait....
In the meantime I'm prepping web banners and ads, as well as double checking my lists.
Your job, should you choose to accept, is to go to my preview page and scour it with a fine-toothed Trulla comb. Dig deep, Trullas are tough-skinned. I'll have a last chance to make any edits once the project is reviewed and approved. Give me all your critiques and suggestions. I can't promise I'll follow them, but I DO promise to stare intently at them, scratch my head and ponder them in a quasi-thinker-like way.
Oh yeah, and as always... tell all your friends. Hell! Tell your enemies, but make sure and stress to your enemies how much you dislike the project for that whole reverse-psych thing. Just talk about it. Bring it up in casual conversation.
Dave's Boss: "Hey Dave, can you go get another box of paper from the backroom?"
Dave: "Sure boss! Say, that reminds me of the Aeranos Project... on Kickstarter! We should all go donate lots of money to it RIGHT NOW!"
Trust me, it'll work.
p.s. The link is right over there on the side of the page. It's right here too, just in case that's too far away...
Aeranos Kickstarter Preview
According to Kickstarter, it could take as much as a few days for the review process - something I forgot in my excitement, so now we wait....
In the meantime I'm prepping web banners and ads, as well as double checking my lists.
Your job, should you choose to accept, is to go to my preview page and scour it with a fine-toothed Trulla comb. Dig deep, Trullas are tough-skinned. I'll have a last chance to make any edits once the project is reviewed and approved. Give me all your critiques and suggestions. I can't promise I'll follow them, but I DO promise to stare intently at them, scratch my head and ponder them in a quasi-thinker-like way.
Oh yeah, and as always... tell all your friends. Hell! Tell your enemies, but make sure and stress to your enemies how much you dislike the project for that whole reverse-psych thing. Just talk about it. Bring it up in casual conversation.
Dave's Boss: "Hey Dave, can you go get another box of paper from the backroom?"
Dave: "Sure boss! Say, that reminds me of the Aeranos Project... on Kickstarter! We should all go donate lots of money to it RIGHT NOW!"
Trust me, it'll work.
p.s. The link is right over there on the side of the page. It's right here too, just in case that's too far away...
Aeranos Kickstarter Preview
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Project Video Release Imminent!
Official Announcement: Making a project video that doesn't look horrible is really hard. I mean it, hands off to the pros that can make this stuff look good and easy, cause it ain't. You will soon be the judges as to which category mine falls into, but I'm relatively pleased with the results. Especially considering I used pretty much all free editing software. Look for the youtube link here in the next day or two. Along with THE ACTUAL KICKSTARTER LAUNCH!
Man, just typing that gets me all shaky and stuff.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I've been contemplating exactly how the Aeranos website will look, and what it's function will be. Here are some ideas of things I'd like to include. Some of these will start small and grow as the game grows and the fanbase hopefully expands...
DOWNLOAD THE AERANOS PDF: Simply that. A place to download the pdf version of the rules. This is free, and might be hosted on another site like RPG Now.
CHARACTER CREATOR: This is basically the same Character Generator that can be found on the AERANOS APP. You don’t have to have the APP to build a character. Go wild and create a true hero. When you buy the app, you'll be able to download your character to it. If you play the pen and paper version, you can save your character as a pdf or jpg. and print it out.
BUY THE AERANOS APP!: Simply a link to buy the app for the OS of choice.
SKILL CHALLENGES: Simple text files with descriptions of different skill tests, including extended tests and opposed tests, along with the consequences for success or failure. Each file has a name that quickly describes the challenge (ex. Mine Shaft Climb, Bribe the City Guard, Disarm the Chest Trap, Gamble at Dice). Skill Challenges can be created and uploaded by any APP owner.
WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT: This a database of official and user generated equipment. Official equipment is stuff above and beyond all the basic equipment that comes with the APP. The user must have an AERANOS APP to download these files. If he doesn’t all he can do is look at them. User Equipment can only be created and uploaded by APP owners.
ENEMIES AND ALLIES: A database of pre-generated characters and monsters ready to download to your AERANOS APP. The user must have an AERANOS APP to download these files. If he doesn’t all he can do is look at them. These files can only be altered once they are downloaded onto the APP and accessed while in GM MODE.
SCENARIOS: This is groups of ENEMIES AND ALLIES, WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT and SKILL CHALLENGES, with a short description of why they are found together. For example, the scenario titled, "Forest Bandits", might have a group of four basic bandits and their higher level leader, along with Skill Challenges like “Disguised Pit Trap” and “Bargain for Safe Passage,” and equipment like “Sylvan Armor.” Any or all of these are linked for download, and can be altered in the APP afterward. Alternatively, there could be more in depth Scenarios that really constitute a full adventure when put together.
DOWNLOAD THE AERANOS PDF: Simply that. A place to download the pdf version of the rules. This is free, and might be hosted on another site like RPG Now.
CHARACTER CREATOR: This is basically the same Character Generator that can be found on the AERANOS APP. You don’t have to have the APP to build a character. Go wild and create a true hero. When you buy the app, you'll be able to download your character to it. If you play the pen and paper version, you can save your character as a pdf or jpg. and print it out.
BUY THE AERANOS APP!: Simply a link to buy the app for the OS of choice.
SKILL CHALLENGES: Simple text files with descriptions of different skill tests, including extended tests and opposed tests, along with the consequences for success or failure. Each file has a name that quickly describes the challenge (ex. Mine Shaft Climb, Bribe the City Guard, Disarm the Chest Trap, Gamble at Dice). Skill Challenges can be created and uploaded by any APP owner.
WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT: This a database of official and user generated equipment. Official equipment is stuff above and beyond all the basic equipment that comes with the APP. The user must have an AERANOS APP to download these files. If he doesn’t all he can do is look at them. User Equipment can only be created and uploaded by APP owners.
ENEMIES AND ALLIES: A database of pre-generated characters and monsters ready to download to your AERANOS APP. The user must have an AERANOS APP to download these files. If he doesn’t all he can do is look at them. These files can only be altered once they are downloaded onto the APP and accessed while in GM MODE.
SCENARIOS: This is groups of ENEMIES AND ALLIES, WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT and SKILL CHALLENGES, with a short description of why they are found together. For example, the scenario titled, "Forest Bandits", might have a group of four basic bandits and their higher level leader, along with Skill Challenges like “Disguised Pit Trap” and “Bargain for Safe Passage,” and equipment like “Sylvan Armor.” Any or all of these are linked for download, and can be altered in the APP afterward. Alternatively, there could be more in depth Scenarios that really constitute a full adventure when put together.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Aeranos Sneak Peaks
Okay people, things are moving forward. I have the first third of my video created and much typing and scribbling is being done to map out what needs to be coded. I hope to have a dollar figure... uhh, figured out this week. That and the complete video and we launch this thing!
In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to post a couple screen shots of the demo screen flow for the app (real prelim stuff here) along with a spell from the book and a snippet of world info.
Racial Cost Total: 4
• +1 STR or STA (Max STR, STA is 7)
• Cold Resistance +4
• Size +1 (Max AGI is 5)
• Starlight Vision
• Cliff Walk: Due to their cloven sheep like hooves, Trulla are able to move along any natural surface equal to or less than 60 degrees at normal movement. A Trulla can move along any natural surface of 80 degrees or less at half movement. They also receive a +5 bonus to Climb tests on Non-natural walls of less than perfectly smooth texture and can both fight and use a shield on slopes of less than 60 degrees. If a Trulla takes damage while climbing, they must make a Climb test but still receive the +5 bonus to this check in such an event.
Languages: Trullak, (choices for secondary languages: Morodos, Durinspok, Knockfara, Neran)
In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to post a couple screen shots of the demo screen flow for the app (real prelim stuff here) along with a spell from the book and a snippet of world info.
Prelim screen flow
The Main Screen |
Fully stocked dropdown menus along with custom entry options for those weird magic items the GM always likes to throw in. |
One of the combat screens showing who's fighting who, and who's your friend and who's not |
A Few Spells
Essence of Element (El)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: See text
Range: Touch
Resistance: None
Reagent: None
Create a minor bit of one of the four elements. Examples include salt, dirt, a tiny flame, ice or water or a light gust of wind. No poisons or especially dangerous elements can be produced.
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: See text
Range: Touch
Resistance: None
Reagent: None
Create a minor bit of one of the four elements. Examples include salt, dirt, a tiny flame, ice or water or a light gust of wind. No poisons or especially dangerous elements can be produced.
Forgotten Moment (Sp)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: See text
Range: Close
Resistance: Mind negates
Reagents: None
Cause one close target to save or forget the last few turns of conversation. Not usable in combat. The divine spell, Favor, can reverse this spell and bring back memories lost by application of this spell.
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: See text
Range: Close
Resistance: Mind negates
Reagents: None
Cause one close target to save or forget the last few turns of conversation. Not usable in combat. The divine spell, Favor, can reverse this spell and bring back memories lost by application of this spell.
Language Cipher (Di)
Casting Time: Turn 5
Duration: 1 Hour (+1 hour per 5 successes)
Range: Touch
Resistance: None (Mind)
Reagents: Ingredient: Small piece of paper placed on the target’s tongue.
The caster picks one speaker of a non-magical language heard within the last hour as the focus. The caster or a willing target can understand and speak that language. The target’s fluency and speech patterns are equal to the focus. As a side point, if the focus fails a Mind test, they may have slight trouble speaking while this spell is in effect.
Casting Time: Turn 5
Duration: 1 Hour (+1 hour per 5 successes)
Range: Touch
Resistance: None (Mind)
Reagents: Ingredient: Small piece of paper placed on the target’s tongue.
The caster picks one speaker of a non-magical language heard within the last hour as the focus. The caster or a willing target can understand and speak that language. The target’s fluency and speech patterns are equal to the focus. As a side point, if the focus fails a Mind test, they may have slight trouble speaking while this spell is in effect.
(player race)
The Trulla are massive humanoids standing between seven and eight feet tall. There thick, dark skin is covered in white or grey wooly hair and their beards are long and course. The two most distinctive features of a Trulla are their cloven hoofed feet and spiraling protective horns. Most Trulla are highly tribal in their attitudes and dress. Crude bone and metal jewelry often covers a Trulla from hoof to horn and they take great pride in the care and expert use of their weapons and tools.
To think that a Trulla is simple however, is a dangerous mistake. Though they live simply, the Trulla are a wise people with a great respect for the powers of nature. Their sages and tribal leaders are often powerfully Gifted and more than one careless Durin has fallen victim to a Trulla tactician.
The Trulla mainly live in the far reaches of the Tintagel Mountains. Their remote Cliff dwellings are all but inaccessible to the landbound traveler and they have alert and wily sentries guarding the approaches as well.
There used to be many more Trulla than now inhabit the Isle. Hundreds of years ago, a forty year conflict between the Trulla and the Durin of the Darkurth Empire decimated the Trulla population. The population never recovered and now no more than a few thousand call Aeranos home. Though it has been centuries, Neither the Durin nor the Trulla have forgotten completely, their hatred for the other.
Some Trulla migrated hundreds of years ago to the Argon Mountains and can be found there now amongst the highest peaks of that range.
The Trulla are massive humanoids standing between seven and eight feet tall. There thick, dark skin is covered in white or grey wooly hair and their beards are long and course. The two most distinctive features of a Trulla are their cloven hoofed feet and spiraling protective horns. Most Trulla are highly tribal in their attitudes and dress. Crude bone and metal jewelry often covers a Trulla from hoof to horn and they take great pride in the care and expert use of their weapons and tools.
To think that a Trulla is simple however, is a dangerous mistake. Though they live simply, the Trulla are a wise people with a great respect for the powers of nature. Their sages and tribal leaders are often powerfully Gifted and more than one careless Durin has fallen victim to a Trulla tactician.
The Trulla mainly live in the far reaches of the Tintagel Mountains. Their remote Cliff dwellings are all but inaccessible to the landbound traveler and they have alert and wily sentries guarding the approaches as well.
There used to be many more Trulla than now inhabit the Isle. Hundreds of years ago, a forty year conflict between the Trulla and the Durin of the Darkurth Empire decimated the Trulla population. The population never recovered and now no more than a few thousand call Aeranos home. Though it has been centuries, Neither the Durin nor the Trulla have forgotten completely, their hatred for the other.
Some Trulla migrated hundreds of years ago to the Argon Mountains and can be found there now amongst the highest peaks of that range.
Racial Cost Total: 4
• +1 STR or STA (Max STR, STA is 7)
• Cold Resistance +4
• Size +1 (Max AGI is 5)
• Starlight Vision
• Cliff Walk: Due to their cloven sheep like hooves, Trulla are able to move along any natural surface equal to or less than 60 degrees at normal movement. A Trulla can move along any natural surface of 80 degrees or less at half movement. They also receive a +5 bonus to Climb tests on Non-natural walls of less than perfectly smooth texture and can both fight and use a shield on slopes of less than 60 degrees. If a Trulla takes damage while climbing, they must make a Climb test but still receive the +5 bonus to this check in such an event.
Languages: Trullak, (choices for secondary languages: Morodos, Durinspok, Knockfara, Neran)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
After my latest meeting with the developer I've decided to delay the launch until next week sometime. We need to work out a bit more of the screen flow and code issues before we can accurately put a project funding level together. It's very important to get that right, since we want to have enough money to see this thing through.
The good news is this gives me a little more time to put the video together and get some sample images to show in the project page.
No specific day picked yet. Let's just leave it at next week for the moment. My excitement is still high. Keep on telling your friends about us.
Oh. And be sure to check out Brady's companion project preview. I put up a link over there on the right.
After my latest meeting with the developer I've decided to delay the launch until next week sometime. We need to work out a bit more of the screen flow and code issues before we can accurately put a project funding level together. It's very important to get that right, since we want to have enough money to see this thing through.
The good news is this gives me a little more time to put the video together and get some sample images to show in the project page.
No specific day picked yet. Let's just leave it at next week for the moment. My excitement is still high. Keep on telling your friends about us.
Oh. And be sure to check out Brady's companion project preview. I put up a link over there on the right.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The Video is Nigh!
We will be recording and editing the video this week in anticipation of a planned Kickstarter Launch of next weekend, March 10th!
Pass the word to anyone you think might be interested. Donators will be rewarded greatly! At least with the following list of goodies. Take a look and give me your suggestions. This list isn't set in stone until the launch.
Pledge $5 or more
Aeranos RPG full color pdf hand delivered to your inbox!
Pledge $10 or more
Reward #1 PLUS your very own copy of the Aeranos 1.0 App two weeks before it's release!
Pledge $25 or more
Reward #2 PLUS an extra pre-release copy of the final app AND a guaranteed opportunity to be in the BETA testing group prior to release.
Pledge $50 or more
Reward #3 PLUS A full color banner print of the Aeranos Map and a signed Aeranos RPG Poster AND your name as a loyal contributor on the App and pdf!
Pledge $100 or more
Reward #4 PLUS an Aeranos 1.0 App for every person in your gaming group! (up to 10) AND the first three official Aeranos products after the launch!
Pledge $500 or more
REWARD #5 PLUS Your name displayed prominently in the game credits AND a heroic characterization of YOU in the book, complete with really kickin' stats!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
BUSY busy & Questions for the crew
Busy creating screen flow charts and making sure I don't forget any cool functions!
We're thinking of getting a Paper-doll style avatar creator into the mix, using official BC art of course. (he doesn't know I'm thinking of adding more to his scribble plate... except now he does.) Hi Brady! Maybe based on the website, maybe based in the app?
On that note, I'm wrestling over whether or not to start advertising before I officially launch the project. On one hand, the pre-launch hype would give us more exposure before the actual donating can start. On the other hand, people might follow a link to the blog, go "hey that's cool, sure wish I could donate now, and then promptly go back to their exciting lives and forget about it. What do you guys think? Which approach is better? Catalog all the sites and then hit them all with posts and ads right at launch, or hit them early and try to keep them interested until official launch?
We're thinking of getting a Paper-doll style avatar creator into the mix, using official BC art of course. (he doesn't know I'm thinking of adding more to his scribble plate... except now he does.) Hi Brady! Maybe based on the website, maybe based in the app?
On that note, I'm wrestling over whether or not to start advertising before I officially launch the project. On one hand, the pre-launch hype would give us more exposure before the actual donating can start. On the other hand, people might follow a link to the blog, go "hey that's cool, sure wish I could donate now, and then promptly go back to their exciting lives and forget about it. What do you guys think? Which approach is better? Catalog all the sites and then hit them all with posts and ads right at launch, or hit them early and try to keep them interested until official launch?
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