Thursday, December 5, 2013

Aeranos Update - Disadvantages

Looking for opinions on this new mechanic for disadvantages. It would simplify the disad descriptions because they would no longer require a defense test when invoked…

There are two ways to bring your disadvantages into play.

1. Invoking a Disadvantage
This method is completely in yours, or the GM's hands. Anytime, before you make a test, you or the GM can suggest invoking one of your disadvantages. When this is done, you enter a "Disadvantaged State."

2. Critical Dice Failure "Snake Eyes"
Anytime you get a natural result of two on your dice roll, you and the GM must try to invoke one of your disadvantages, sending you into a "Disadvantaged State."
If you can find no disadvantage that applies, you don't have to enter the Disadvantaged State, but you get no chance to earn a fate point either.

Disadvantaged State
Whenever you enter this state, the GM gains a one-time ability to impose a negative 1d6 modifier to one of your future tests in the current scene. This choice can, and often should, be made by the GM after you roll, for maximum negative effect.
Once the scene ends, or the negative modifier has been applied, your Disadvantaged State ends as well.

Refusing a Disadvantage
There may be times when you roll a snake eyes, that you really don't want to be disadvantaged. You can choose to Refuse the disadvantage for the scene, but the next time you are disadvantaged, the GM gets two opportunities to apply the -1d6 before your disadvantaged state ends.
There is no penalty for refusing a disadvantage invoked by the GM.


  1. I like it, as trying to worm disadvantages in never seemed to work for me, or I would forget them completely

  2. Hmm...

    Mostly, I feel like the disad list needs another pass and some refinement with gameplay in mind. It's been a while since I looked, admittedly, but I had trouble finding any combat-type disadvantages that fit Rowan (maybe because it feels sucky to add ways for things to go bad to someone who already has fewer combat bonuses than her peers due to lack of focus).

    As for adding the second rule... it adds some complexity, but I don't think it's bad. Definitely worth a try, and it adds a little more sting to "critical failure" rolls which often still come out as minor successes.

    The one part I have a minor issue with is the "refusing" section. Thoughts:
    1) Carrying over a refusal from one instance to the next (which could be several sessions) sounds unwieldy to me - especially weird if you can continue to refuse (do the opportunities stack or cap at two?).
    2) Refusing already means missing out on a fate point opportunity, and I think that might be encouragement enough not to do so.
    So my gut reaction is to leave it simpler - accept a penalty and get a fate point, or don't.
